Pabili Service
Ni Misis
Step by Step Checkout and Payment:
1. Click the Cart Icon
2. Click the View Cart Button
3. Click the Checkout Button
4. Fill up the Email, First Name, Last Name, and Contact Number, then click Continue.
The cut off date and pick up date is the day of the Organic Farmer's Market at Linden Teak's. Kindly refer to the Pabili Service Ni Missis for details.
5. Choose Manual Payment
6. Click Continue
6. Click Place Order
6. You will receive a confimatory message thru viber. Kindly deposit the Total amount to the assigned bank account and reply with your proof of payment along with your Order Number. You will receive confirmation once payment has been confirmed.
You will be receiving a automated confirmation email from this company website because Pabili Service Ni Missis project just borrowed the company's platform. Kindly disregard this email because the contents of the said email does not apply to Pabili Service Ni Missis Project.